It’s time for the 2021 Portland Winter Light (non) Festival. For the past 5 years the dark winter months have been pleasantly interrupted by this annual Festival. This event which takes place each February acts to brighten up the otherwise grey winter days with artfully displayed works of light.
A Guide to Winter Wine Tasting in Beautiful Southern Oregon
A visit to Southern Oregon’s beautiful vineyards is always on my itinerary during my summer visits. The outdoor concerts, cobalt blue sky and hot, dry oven-like breeze combined with the valley’s wonderful wines is perfection to me. But what about the rest of the year?
The Best Cheese in the World – A Visit to the Rogue Creamery Dairy
Nestled in Southern Oregon’s Rogue Valley, a short drive outside of Grants Pass, is The Rogue Creamery Dairy. I’ve visited the well-known retail and creamery portion of the Rogue Creamery in nearby Central Point numerous times. During this visit I went to the source, in this case, the cows, to see how the famous cheese is […]
How to Spend A Week in Southern Oregon’s Rogue Valley
Looking down from 35,000 feet the white haze circles the mountains like settling fog. This is Oregon in the summer so there is no doubt that this is smoke and the lush forests are on fire. I visit every summer, usually in August, and often regret not getting here before the first spark ignites the […]